Fish delivery day!

Today – August 25th – is fish delivery day. We’re expecting, in the freshwater order, bettas, clown plecos, pim pictus catfish and silver hujeta gars in addition to our feeder fish.

In the salt water order, we’re expecting a Xanthurus angel, a couple of dragon gobies, two different triggers (Niger and rectangular), a peacock lion, a sand skate and a masked rabbitfish. The invertebrates ordered include anemones, five different shrimp (blood, camel, cleaner, sexy and golden  coral-banded), featherdusters, two jellyfish and an Ultra Crocea Clam.

The feeder order includes crickets, mealworms, hornworms and silkworms. We still don’t know how the cricket situation is; the last we heard it seemed that the disease was still killing crickets over about 1/2″ in size. The last order we got no crickets at all – we’re hoping to get at least the smalls and mediums on this one, but we won’t know until later today. Check back for an update after 4 p.m.